03 octobre 2019

NSB 2020 Building Physics Conference

NSB 2020 Building Physics Conference

Heat, air and moisture transfer in buildings, and building physics related aspects in microbiology, building services and energy performance

Tallinn, Estonia 14 – 17 June 2020

Dear NSB 2020 participant,

We would like to thank all authors of exactly 300 abstracts which have been submitted. As we are receiving continuously requests to extend the deadline, it has been decided to keep the submission system open by October 7.

Workshop proposals are expected by 20th December 2019. If you are interested to organise a workshop during the conference, please fill in a short workshop proposal template you find on the webpage.

Looking forward to see you in Tallinn,

With best regards from Estonia,

Jarek Kurnitski

Conference Chair

Contact us:

NSB 2020 TALLINN, @Tallinn University of Technology

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